Is former Vice President Joe Biden’s “return to normalcy” approach too moderate for Democratic voters?
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You searched for: Joe Nock
Remember Stephen Hawking’s robotic voice? It wasn’t a robot.
Using physics, Ross Chastain floored it during the final turn, scraping the wall and passing 5 cars to advance to the NASCAR championship.
Symbolic gestures often speak to our psyche in ways no rational action could ever speak to our intellect.
There have been some 6,000 Great Lakes shipwrecks, which have claimed an estimated 30,000 lives. These maps show some of them.
In his new book, “Forward: Notes on the Future of Our Democracy,” former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang explores how media narratives can warp public perception of political candidates.
The poisoned candy legend is just one way that American fears manifested: as an easily understood threat to innocence.
Complex organisms and living worlds couldn’t exist without these transitions. You couldn’t make the Universe we have today if everything were always the same. Although many philosophically favored the idea […]
Sobering accounts from one of the most pivotal battles in world history.
Before there were gravitational waves, multi-messenger astronomy got its start with the neutrino. Sometimes, the best-designed experiments fail. The effect you’re looking for might not even occur, meaning that a […]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s surprising win over an establishment politician underscores the rising passion of the far left.
In a historic upset, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young democratic socialist of Latina descent, has defeated political veteran Joe Crowley in their party’s congressional primary in New York City.
Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence learns what it takes to win, making human-like choices in competitive situations.
“The Greatest” defeated all opponents when the heavyweight division was its richest. Has any physicist done the same? “The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did […]
Am I the only one fascinated by the issue of currency conversion in literature? When a posh fictional nobleman is rumored to have an income of such-and-such, or when a […]
1. Cover Your Ears. Here’s What the Big Band Sounded Like: BANG! That audio recreation was made by the University of Washington physicist John Cramer, who notes that the sound frequencies […]
NewSpace is no stranger to challenge, whether above the clouds or in legislation. One particularly ornery obstacle is the US International Traffic and Arms Regulation, commonly known as ITAR. (Please […]
1. Extreme Weather is the New Normal Happy Spring! That means it’s time to expect winter storms. That’s the new normal, according to National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini. “We have observed […]
The underlying rules of 3D printing that help innovators get past key cost, time and complexity barriers.
NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover. Big Data Predicts the Oscars. These are among the brainiest memes included in today’s Mind Memes.
When true paradigm shifts occur, as with Cloud Computing and NewSpace, there is no buzz phrase that is more appropriate, stigmatized as it may be. When examining existing and emerging […]
Ethan Nadelmann, a leading expert on drug policy, sees evidence that Obama is willing to move in “a somewhat new direction” on drug policy.
How could Lance Armstrong, the most famous and most highly-scrutinized cyclist in the world repeatedly pass drug tests while actively doping over the course of a decade?
The interdisciplinary approach both to research and learning is starting to gain favor again because small and nimble research labs are proving that they have a method for speeding the pace and reducing the cost of discovery.
Small and nimble research labs are proving that they have a method for speeding the pace and reducing the cost of discovery.
What if you could bottle President Obama’s famous cool, Lady Gaga’s style and Michael Phelps’s athleticism? An experimental philosopher is attempting to do just that. Sort of.
What’s the Big Idea? “Your Gravity Theory Sucks!” Margaret Wertheim was surprised to find this comment on an order form for a self-published book called The Other Theory of Physics, […]
[Readers: here’s a largely non-relationship column, for a change of pace…] My cell phone is an idiot. It’s a straight-up, dingbat dumb-ass. It can’t do anything, except make phone calls, […]
The largest solar storm in seven years is expected to peak tomorrow, threatening GPS signals and the electrical grid. The cloud of particles streaming from the sun is headed for […]
The conservative conundrum regarding the Romney candidacy is the result of our plurality voting system that isn’t flexible enough to accurately measure voter preferences. While this system is adequate for a head-to-head race, it is deeply problematic when there are multiple candidates.