Light therapy might help your natural circadian rhythm and even stave off seasonal depression.
With 45% of recent college graduates under or unemployed, it’s time to explore new solutions.
Join two-time NBA champion Shane Battier live at 1 pm ET this Monday.
Technique may enable speedy, on-demand design of softer, safer neural devices.
The future of learning will be different, and now is the time to lay the groundwork.
4 min
Astrophysicist Michelle Thaller talks ISS and why NICER is so important.
5 min
SpaceX’s momentous Crew Dragon launch is a sign of things to come for the space industry, and humanity’s future.
Universities claim to prepare students for the world. How many actually do it?
An MIT system uses wireless signals to measure in-home appliance usage to better understand health tendencies.
When the COVID-19 crisis is over, how will education have changed? Will we have made the most of this moment?
The institutional barriers that have often held creative teaching back are being knocked down by the coronavirus era.
4 min
A new wearable patch has been created at the University of California San Diego.
Who is to blame for the U.S.’s dismal college graduation rate? “Radical” educator Dennis Littky has a hunch.
If a crisis like this only comes once in a hundred years, so does this opportunity.
The old idea of running with springs on your feet gets a high-tech makeover.
The pandemic reminds us that our higher education system, with all its flaws, remains a key part of our strategic reserve.
‘Know thy students’ is the principle that can change the form of education, worldwide.
Now is the perfect time to take up a new language. Self-motivation and commitment are key to mastering this fun and useful new skill.
10 min
The coronavirus pandemic is highlighting the innovations that have been desperately needed in higher education all along.
How can you use new tools, techniques, and technologies to rethink your personal productivity and enhance your future self?
The lessons we’ve learned here on Earth will affect how we govern a new world.
4 min
Do space and time really exist? NASA astronomer Michelle Thaller looks at the implications of Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2.
11 min
Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? Because they didn’t have a space program.
4 min
With the right technology, we can continue to “flatten the curve,” even as we venture out of our homes.
He’s also credited by some as having coined the phrase “user-friendly.”
Colleges and universities can continue to ignore what the market wants, or they can get in the game and differentiate with new on-ground and online pathways to employment-centric education.
Should humans fear artificial intelligence or welcome it into our lives?
3 min
A team of scientists created a new type of robot inspired by an octopus, and it could be a major breakthrough in the field.
The space agency is ready to establish a base camp by 2024.
Astronaut Garrett Reisman talks NASA, SpaceX, and where we’re headed next.
4 min