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Malachy McCourt was born in Brooklyn, USA and from the age of three was raised in Limerick, Ireland. He returned to the land of his birth at the age of[…]

The Irish author wonders what we can do about war.

Question: What keeps you up at night? 

Malachy McCourt: What keeps me up?  John Stewart.  On the Daily Show. I thoroughly enjoy that show.  But the other is, I wonder what I can do about war.  Is it the destiny of human kind to eventually wipe ourselves out with these weapons of mass destruction?  Are we stupid to think that we can control them?  And if they said, we only have 2,500 atomic weapons, or neutron bombs?  What difference does this make, if they have one or 2,500?  The damage will be just the same, there’s overkill there.  And I would like to do away with all kind of – all weapons.  A dream – totally.  Including the bow an arrow. 

Recorded on March 10, 2010
