The particles are able to travel deep into tissue in ways that other treatments simply can’t.
Researchers find out why some people believe utter BS.
Where is God? Michelle Thaller lays out a cosmic view of religion, science, and the human condition.
5 min
The damage might not be “as bad” as traditional cigarettes, but it’s still pretty bad.
A Chinese researcher has sparked controversy after claiming to have used gene-editing technology known as CRISPR to help make the world’s first genetically modified babies.
The Nazis actively searched for Atlantis, seeing it as important to their mythology.
A new book tells the very old story in a fun way for a younger generation.
Long hidden under trees, it’s utterly massive.
As it turns out, being just enough of a psychopath can do wonders for your creative career.
Orangutans join humans and bees in a very exclusive club
The definition of a kilogram will now be fixed to Planck’s constant, a fundamental part of quantum physics.
Here’s the science of black holes, from supermassive monsters to ones the size of ping-pong balls.
5 min
In a breakthrough for nuclear fusion research, scientists at China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reactor have produced temperatures necessary for nuclear fusion on Earth.
Giving our solar system a “slap in the face.”
Is the future with radiative cooling?
The results come from a 15-year study that used ultrasound scans to track blood vessels in middle-aged adults starting in 2002.
It’s unlikely that there’s anything on the planet that is worth the cost of shipping it back
Here are the leading solutions to antibiotic resistance, the next major global health threat.
6 min
The incredible story of a scientist who survived gulags, fighting to change his country and physics.
The greatest space program spinoff? Human collaboration.
5 min
“Our results show why debates about controversial issues often seem so futile,” the researchers said.
On Tuesday, eight science-credentialed candidates were elected to the House of Representatives.
The concept was likened to a porch light in our little neighborhood of the galaxy.
Why? Because you have more cells, the researchers say.
We may not find Klingons, but what we do find will blow our terrestrial minds.
4 min
There is a lot of hope in the healing powers of CBD. Unfortunately there’s way more hype.
The renowned linguist and controversial political critic said President Donald Trump is choosing to race toward the catastrophes of climate change.
It’s exotic, incredibly cold stuff.
New psychological research suggests that psychopaths are attracted to others with their same disposition.