Volcanic activity caused the end-Triassic mass extinction 200 million years ago. The dinosaurs survived and rose to dominance.
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Virgin birth – which involves the development of an unfertilised egg – has preoccupied humans for aeons. And although it can’t happen in mammals, it does seem to be possible in […]
The Humboldt marten, a (much cuter) cousin of the weasel, has been placed on the endangered species list thanks to marijuana croppers.
Infographics detailing the exporting of live animals from Africa, 2001-2015
Poachers, hunters, and collectors are targeting animals on the endangered species list for their rarity.
How can we stop extinction? One solution scientists have been developing for decades is de-extinction — the process of resurrecting extinct species through genetic engineering.
The radical idea has a track record of success in some sense. But there are lot of concerns as well.
Geoffrey Kent is a pioneer of the photographic safari. His motto: Shoot with a camera, not a gun. After all, we can’t afford to keep killing endangered animals.
4 min
The shunning of fairness as a business value has fostered a climate in which what’s right, good, or fair matters far less than getting jobs done efficiently and effectively.
As technology evolves, so do the sounds that we associate with our favorite gadgets. It’s difficult to recall the ring of one’s first cell phone. But some of these noises–like […]
When visiting the official Google blog today I learnt about their new Endangered Languages Project. It might sound a little funny that a company who is largely benefiting from English […]
While President Obama’s position on gay marriage is “evolving,” (UPDATE: has officially evolved) punk rocker Henry Rollins is unambiguous about his support. Rollins sees gay rights as civil rights, and […]
Why are some Americans so strongly opposed to gay marriage? Henry Rollins is convinced that not so many people are actually opposed. Instead he sees it as a fundraising tool for small fringe groups.
8 min
Imagine watching the sun go down on October 24, and living in complete darkness straight through to when it finally rises again on the 8th of March. Imagine 40 below […]
Scientists have worked out that about 1.2 million years ago the human race was an endangered species with only around 18,500 individuals capable of breeding.
Rich data on the global state of our feathered friends presents plenty of bad news — but also some bright spots.
What do the dark recesses of the early Universe and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom have in common? More than you could have ever hoped for.
For linguists, the uniqueness of the Basque language represents an unsolved mystery. For its native speakers, long oppressed, it is a source of pride.
With hundreds of billions of stars burning bright, some galaxies are already dead. Their inhabitants might not know it, but we’re certain.
We don’t know what causes Miyake events, but these great surges of energy can help us understand the past — while posing a threat to our future.
The meaning of the cryptic text has eluded scholars for centuries. Their latest efforts include computational analyses seeking new insights into the medieval enigma.
And why you, a non-expert, should absolutely not consider “explaining what you know” to an actual expert in the field.
A philosophy of birth can offset the prevailing narrative around extinction and mortality.
Science fiction movies capture a classic human flaw: getting the future mostly wrong.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
The hallucinations that characterize schizophrenia may be due to a “reality threshold” that is lower than it should be.
Recasting the iconic Carrington Event as just one of many superstorms in Earth’s past, scientists reveal the potential for even more massive eruptions from the sun.
The standard model of cosmology has a big new problem: Some galaxies seem to be too old.
Stone buildings in northern India reveal secrets of old structures that could save lives.
How one man’s divine dream became a poultry-shaped reality.