Almost 18,000 projects, brought together on one clickable map.
According to Peter Ward’s “Medea hypothesis,” photosynthesizing organisms regularly doom most life on Earth by over-consuming carbon dioxide.
A wide-scale examination of early Neolithic human skeletons reveals the violent history of a supposedly peaceful period.
Why does time move forward but not backward? Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder explains.
5 min
From the earliest stages of the hot Big Bang (and even before) to our dark energy-dominated present, how and when did the Universe grow up?
Video games matter. Their continued technological and artistic development is reshaping the way we satisfy our ancient need to tell stories.
Smart investors recognize that the stock market doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
Kids are fragile. They should trust their feelings. The world is a battle between good and evil. We should stop repeating these untruths.
Science will lead us to a universal morality and a cosmic religion.
Fear of being scammed can lead us to make decisions that go against our values and goals — both as individuals and as a society.
The combination of charge conjugation, parity, and time-reversal symmetry is known as CPT. And it must never be broken. Ever.
Though quantum mechanics is an incredibly successful theory, nobody knows what it means. Scientists now must confront its philosophical implications.
For Buddhists, the “Four Noble Truths” offer a path to lasting happiness.
The solution involves the infamous Navier-Stokes equations, which are so difficult, there is a $1-million prize for solving them.
Get the most out of your coffee.
How to maximize wins and minimize losses, explained by four experts on game theory.
7 min
If it weren’t for the intricate rules of quantum physics, we wouldn’t have formed neutral atoms “only” ~380,000 years after the Big Bang.
What do you call it when the Earth shakes for three decades?
Here are the signs that you inherited “money anxiety” from your parents.
Simple physics makes hauling vast ice chunks thousands of miles fiendishly difficult — but not impossible.
NASA has finally chosen which flagship mission, like Hubble and JWST, will launch in ~2040. Detecting alien life is now a reachable goal.
This graph shows how badly German cities were hit by Allied bombing raids.
A Fermilab study confirms decades-old measurements regarding the size and structure of protons.
Alibaba has played a key role in China’s meteoric economic rise.
Take a closer look at the different types of reasoning you use every day.
19 years ago, the Bullet Cluster provided an empirical proof for dark matter. Even today, modified gravity still can’t explain it.
A new 20-year analysis of over 14,000 psychology studies finds that a study’s media coverage is negatively linked to its replicability.
While cities drive national economic growth, their political geography means they cannot effectively deal with inequality, poverty, and other socioeconomic problems.
Research suggests that emotional intelligence is more vital for success than IQ.