Peter Rojas is the cofounder and editor-in-chief of Engadget, which is a daily weblog covering gadgets, consumer electronics and personal technology. He is also the cofounder of Joystiq, a weblog[…]
Rojas talks about if the American political system is broken.
Peter Rojas: You know obviously we have a political system which, you know is . . . is . . . is completely out of sync with, you know, this new economy we live in; the new technologies that we have available; and you know blogging and, you know, YouTube debates on CNN are really just the sort of . . . just the tip of the iceberg of where we could be going with all this stuff. And I think that’s gonna be a tremendously huge issue, you know, going forward. I mean how do we adapt? How do we . . . What do we do? How do we change the, you know, system that was designed in the . . . in the 18th century?
Recorded on: 10/2/07
2 min