A recent study analyzed the skulls of early Homo species to learn more about the evolution of primate brains.
About 359 million years ago, at the end of the last phase of the Devonian period, there was a mass extinction event or series of events. An estimated 70 to […]
555-million-year-old oceanic creatures share genes with today’s humans, finds a new study.
Fossils of ancient creatures doing anything are rare. This one is absolutely unique.
“Large-scale indiscriminate killing is a horror that is not just a feature of the modern and historic periods, but was also a significant process in pre-state societies,” the researchers wrote.
Their ear structures were not that different from ours.
One million year old mammoth DNA more than doubles the previous record and suggests that even older genomes could be found.
While other factors exist, sexual prowess appears to have helped determine the role of Protoceratops frills.
Scientists discover burrows of giant predator worms that lived on the seafloor 20 million years ago.
A rare titanosaur embryo was discovered with its skull preserved in 3 dimensions.
“You dream about these kinds of moments when you’re a kid,” said lead paleontologist David Schmidt.
Fossils depicting animals in action are very rare.
A recent analysis of a 76-million-year-old Centrosaurus apertus fibula confirmed that dinosaurs suffered from cancer, too.
Scientists think an insect similar to the modern millipede crawled around Scotland 425 million years ago, making it the first-ever land-dweller.
These Jurassic predators resorted to cannibalism when hit with hard times, according to a deliciously rare discovery.
Tiny glassy beads called microtektites were found in fossilized shell remains.