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Icelandic eruption from space

Images of the Eyjafjallajokull-Fimmvörduháls eruption taken from space show the lava flow snaking down a stream valley – and how small the eruption is so far.

Alright, I’m actually in Wisconsin right now for a wedding, but this was too cool to pass up … the folks from the NASA Earth Observatory sent me this image (Natural-color, 10m/pixel) from the Advanced Land Imager aboard EO-1 of the Eyjafjallajokull-Fimmvörduháls eruption, both taken on March 24, 2010.


nThe Fimmvörduháls eruption in Iceland, taken March 24, 2010. Image courtesy of the NASA Earth Observatory. Click on the image for a larger version.


You can clearly see the flow heading down the drainage to the east, slowly snaking down the snow covered area. I think the steam plume on far east (right) represents the nose of the flow as it encounters snow/water. The lava fountains are also seen on the image as well – the image does a great job of giving you a better sense of scale for this relatively small (so far) fissure eruption.


UPDATE 3/26/2010 3:21 EDT: For more details, here is the full NASA EO page on the eruption image.


This isn’t stopping from people in the media getting uppity about the climate effect of the eruption – or, in particular, it Katla erupts – but at this point, it is still anyone’s guess. There is also some great, close-up video footage of the eruption as well – but be sure to check out the comments on Eruptions for other great links left by readers on the eruption.


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