Thursday Throwdown: More volcano news than I can list here
Piles and piles of volcano news from the past week, including extinctions! cards! holiday snaps! and rumbling volcanoes!
I’m still playing catch-up after my week in the desert, so I’ve seen a lot of articles I’ve wanted to mention … but a certain other volcano has taken up a lot of my time. However, I will attempt to make amends for that now.
By the way, would you believe Ubehebe Crater was closed? How do they close a volcano, anyway? However, I did get a great snap of a welded tuff on the road outside of Shoshone, CA.
A strongly welded tuff near Shoshone, CA. The dark interior is remelted volcanic ash/tephra surrounded by less welded pink tuff with abundant pumice clasts. Denison student David Sisak is on the left for scale.