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One of the most striking facts about the recent Oslo massacre and bombing by an extremist 32-year-old Norwegian was the sheer amount of pre-meditation that went into the grisly act. […]
Does this picture of a harmless lotus pod give you the howling fantods? I’ll admit, it squicks me a little. Jennifer Abbasi reports on the Popular Science blog that there’s […]
No journalist worth his or her salt should rejoice in the downfall of another. There are plenty of commentators in particular that I could name who infuriate me, who have […]
13-year-old Google is going through a patch of mid-life anxiety. With upstarts like Facebook nipping at its heels, the company is shaking things up in an effort to stay ahead of the game.   
An authoritative study shows that the Republicans have recovered from their 2006-08 swoon and have now moved even with the Democrats again.  That doesn’t mean they have moved ahead.  Party identification […]
The adrenaline rush we all experience when our bodies go in to “fight or flight” mode is an asset if we’re up against a physical threat. But in every day life, how do you overcome fear?