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Grass –Mud-Horse! China to America! No Dollar!rn The main purpose of this high-pitched action is to tell America: I got my problem, you got yours, do not mess up with me to threaten my single- Party-ruled survival! rn In this Chinese – say- no to dollar incident which is mainly a political move. Prevent incident! It almost surely is their main theme.
To lead is to go where you have never gone before, to open a way forward into unknown, uncharted possibilities. Then it is to encourage, coach and help others release their greater capacity to achieve the seemingly impossible, to realize a potential beyond their self-concept. The first breakthrough is inside, in your capacity to reframe reality and lead your own life. Coaching others into their self-discovery and leadership is the natural next step.
Discoveries about neuroplasticity–the brain’s ability to rewire itself throughout life by creating neural connections in response to mental activity–has led to the new brain centers, which “promise to keep older minds sharp with computer, walnuts and green tea.”
As a website devoted to providing an interactive, online forum with global thought leaders, you can imagine our dismay when we read Nicholas Kristof’s evisceration of “experts” in today’s New […]