As wireless devices proliferate, the U.S. needs to free up more spectrum for modern Internet uses. To do that, the F.C.C. is working to release ‘Super Wi-Fi’ which uses white space.
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You searched for: Jeff Schmidt
A new agricultural revolution could forever change the planet.
Number of proton-neutron pairs determine how fast the particles move, results suggest.
We need a public mature enough to recognize that policy decisions and actions are more relevant to leadership than professed beliefs.
Astrophysicist Michael J. I. Brown offers some guidelines for identifying fake or bad science.
Syrian refugees and others are in crisis, but to approach the problem with temporary solutions won’t get us very far.
It’s all too common to hear about the violent crimes of NFL players. But that’s not the full story. “I can look in their eyes and see it. That’s the […]
There have been many supernovae in the Milky Way seen over the past 2,000 years, but nobody ever saw the most recent ones! Image credit: NASA/CXC/NCSU/K.Borkowski et al. “When I […]
One company intends to shake things up by making images of our world’s surface available to all.
In 2011, as a Google Science Communication fellow, I spent several days with other scientists and academics at the company’s headquarters learning about new tools and strategies for engaging the public […]
Today a group of investors including three tech space leaders, namely Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Eric Schmidt of Google and Evan Williams of Twitter, put $10 million in EverFi, a […]
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt has told an Italian newspaper that the company intends to release a high-market tablet computer in the next six months which could rival Apple’s iPad.
Something rather weird happened last Thursday. In one the the regular “Spring Cleaning” briefings on its developer blog, Google announced that they would limit the number of requests you may […]
Ahead of the formal G8 summit this week in northern France, the world’s technology visionaries are gathering in Paris to meet with the G8 leaders to discuss the future of […]