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Noted editor Bonnie Fuller has launched Bonnie Fuller Media to meet the evolving needs of her longtime loyal following. Twice named Advertising Age's "Editor of the Year," she's been responsible[…]

Readers don’t turn to “Star” for political coverage, Fuller says

Question: Why haven’t there been any scandals in this election?

Fuller: Well you see typically, though, politicians are not . . . are not in our scope. I mean we really concentrate on celebrities, and by . . . We don’t really enlarge our group of celebrities to include politicians. Our readers are not coming to Star to read about politicians. Now if you had, you know . . . JFK, Jr. was still alive and he ran for politics, I think that would be a little different story because he is a celebrity. However I don’t think that our readers view any of the particular . . . any of the political candidates right now as being in that . . . as . . . as being in that vein; as being members of the celebrity pack. So the tabloids . . . I should say the Enquirer really, as part of it’s DNA, has always covered politicians. And I’m sure that as the . . . as the campaign season heats up that they’ll probably get more into that. Recorded On: 1/30/08
