Tanya Steel is a well-known food writer and Editor-in-Chief of the award-winning food Web site, Epicurious.com. Before joining Epicurious, Steel was the New York Editor of Bon Appetit magazine, where[…]
David Chang, for one.
David Chang of Momofuku in New York City is a real rising star. And one of the reasons why I love his food so much and why I really am a big fan of his is because he’s taken very kind of humble food, and cuisines, and ingredients and perfected what he’s trying to do. He worked with Jean-George … and learned from the master, and learned to take what Jean-George taught him and adapted for things like a bowl of soup. And that is a thing of beauty as far as I’m concerned. So he . . . To make a perfect soup, he’ll use the best pork belly, and beautiful bean sprouts, and fantastic tofu that he made himself. And he just will, for $6, give you kind of the most perfect bowl of soup you’ve ever had in your life.
1 min