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Deepak Chopra MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation and co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, is a medical doctor, public speaker, and author of 90 books, including numerous New[…]

You have to share your passion, Chopra says.

Deepak Chopra: Globally, we should be all creating the critical mass of consciousness that says that everybody’s problems are our problems; and that we have the ability to collectively change the world to make peace with ourselves, to make peace with the environment, to make peace with our perceived enemies that we have demonized. They are human beings just like us. And unless we dehumanize another person, it’s impossible to kill them.

I think the greatest challenge right now is how can we do that through our collective caring, and also through the technologies that we have? This is one place where technology can help.

Individually, you should be the change that we want to see in the world. So if we want to create peace in the world, then instead of being an angry peace activist, which is a paradox in itself, then you should be peaceful. Create peace in your life and your relationships. So you have to be the change that you want to see in the world. You have to make a difference in your community. You have to share your passion.

I think if we can do those three things – be the change, make a difference, share our passion – then we will embark on a journey of personal and social transformation, and the connectivity itself will change the world.
