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Bonnie Timmerman is one of Hollywood's most successful, and reportedly highest-paid, casting directors. She began her career with Manhattan's Phoenix Repertory Company in the 1970s, casting then up-and-comers, Glenn Close,[…]

Timmermann has seen some pretty ugly things, but retains a faith in people’s inner goodness.

Bonnie Timmerman: I’ve met all kinds of people. We’re not just talking about actors now. We’re talking about people. I’ve seen some pretty ugly things, I have to say. But there’s always goodness inside of these people. I think we’re always . . . we’re good and bad. We’re happy and we’re sad. You know we’re like clowns – most of us anyway. I’m not sure really how to answer the question. I think I can see very well. I think if anybody has a crystal ball, it’s me. And I think I could seriously look into it and give you some real answers. I can tell you things about people as I meet them. So I do have that kind of intuition. I can look at an actor and think, “They’re going to make it.” I can see it. I don’t know why. I don’t know how. Maybe because I’m sensitive. I’m sure that has something to do with it. But you know people just behave in front of you and give themselves away all the time. I’ve met, you know, directors that have been very mean, and their movies seem to be mean. I think . . . Does that make any sense? I don’t know. I can sit with a director and work with a director and know what kind of movie that director is going to make, even if their first time. I can just watch them, hear them, see how they work with actors. You know you do get a perspective.


Recorded On: 12/21/07
