Arthur Guseni Oliver Mutambara, a Zimbabwean political figure and scholar has served as the President of a faction of the Movement for Democratic Change since February 2006, a position previously[…]
What can I do?
I think we should be asking ourselves what is the meaning of our existence. Why are we here? What is the meaning of our lives? And if we ask ourselves that question, then we will find that we commit ourselves to making this world a better place. In other words, the meaning of our lives and the purpose of our existence is what we should be asking ourselves.
Keep talking. The whole notion of an ideas festival must be cherished. Why? Because you can’t tell whether an idea is wrong or right unless you have engagement; unless you have a festival of ideas. And so we must cherish the notion of an ideas festival as a daily practice, as something we do in our countries, and that we do in our most ______ institutions. The conversation around ideas must continue, and we must approach the dialogue with an open mind. And also we must cherish diversity and not be threatened diversity. And diversity means different cultures, different languages, different geographies, different histories, but also diversity of ideas and mindsets. That’s how we can propagate and continue with this debate.
Recorded On: 7/5/07
3 min