Arthur Guseni Oliver Mutambara, a Zimbabwean political figure and scholar has served as the President of a faction of the Movement for Democratic Change since February 2006, a position previously[…]
Success must be global.
Very optimistic, provided we are prepared to do three things. The first one is to understand the nature of the beast. Do we understand the interconnectedness of global challenges? Once we have done that understanding, we’re moving towards a cautious optimism. Secondly, are we prepared to become players? It’s not good enough to sit down, and pontificate, and debate. Pick up one or two ideas and become a player. So if all citizens of the world become players in their different ways in pursuit of a better world, then we can be optimistic. And the last one is the issue of realizing that the globe is the only measure of success. There is no other way of measuring success. Success is going to be measured by the globe. In other words, success has to be global. Success has to be all people, all nations of the world. Once we have that framework, yes, I’m very optimistic. And I’m sure the people of the world are determined to see success. And through collaboration we can get that. We will get that. So I’m very optimistic. But there has to be work to be done. There has to be blood, sweat and tears; which means people have to put their shoulder to the wheel.
Recorded On: 7/5/07
8 min