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Who's in the Video
Nina DiSesa has worked in the quintessential boys clubs of advertising for almost thirty years. In 1994, she became the first woman EVP, Executive Creative Director for McCann Erickson New[…]

Packaging a product is a collaborative process, DiSesa says.

Nina DiSesa: Well is all job to sell the clients brand in the clients products but its also our job to help client to the right thing and I think the really good relationships between the client organizations and the advertiser and the agency organizations is that we are as partners we decide, what is the right thing to do and what is the wrong thing to do and I don’t think we are not like puppets. We don’t just get an assignment comes out and we just jerk our strings then we just do it, I think we are in partnership with our clients and we together decide is that packaging good. Is that messaging good? Is this product the right thing to go forward with and I think when advertising agencies work with their clients in that capacity everybody wins. And I am sure there are clients that are dictatorial, just say sell this, its crap. It’s sold anyway and most agencies are unable to do that. They usually find a way to make it powered about and to make it worthwhile because once you lose your integrity you don’t really have much house and we all have to draw that in mind and same some place and that the client respects your ability and he respects your mind and you are thinking. They won’t respect that line in the same does well.

Recorded on: 2/29/08
