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Nina DiSesa has worked in the quintessential boys clubs of advertising for almost thirty years. In 1994, she became the first woman EVP, Executive Creative Director for McCann Erickson New[…]

Nina DiSesa on how women forget to be women.

Nina DiSesa: Well I means its so hard for us to get to the top of the game, but when we get there we probably developed a lot of male skills in the process, because that’s what’s going to elevate us is to be more like the man without loosing the things that make us great as women, but some of the women who make it to the top forget those wonderful female skills of compassion and empathy and intuition and listening and they become too much like men, too combative, too competitive, too decisive because they are not listening to anybody else and they forget what got them there and they become, they develop faith that would be accepted in a man, but are not expected in a women which is kind of a double standard and I think that double standard is ever going to go away. That’s what happens if you forget the skills that got you there as a women, and you just become another man, you are not a man, you are not going to take that from you, and they are going do whatever they can to unseat you. Recorded on: 2/29/08
