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Nina DiSesa has worked in the quintessential boys clubs of advertising for almost thirty years. In 1994, she became the first woman EVP, Executive Creative Director for McCann Erickson New[…]

Look for the unexpected, DiSesa says.

Nina DiSesa: Well, it is harder to be funny than it is to be to move people emotionally, although humor is an emotion as well, because some people, its always easier to make somebody cry than laugh, I thought. So when you are trying to use humor in advertising what you look for is the unexpected, but it has to be relevant to the brand to the personality of the brand and to the product you selling and then has to be meaningful to the consumer as well, you just cannot do humor for the sake of being funny and not have that connect to anything, because then you just using the clients money to be a jokes to or nobody likes that very much, they don’t they usually found on that, but if you can connect the humor to what is important about the brand or what you want people to remember, then its goods. I mean always trying to doing an advertising is help the consumer fall in love, we want them to fall in love with brand and we want them to find value in the product, and that’s we use everything humor, dogs, kids, celebrities whatever we can think of to help the consumer, to motive that consumer to fall in love, its all about love that is really the big over writing emotion.

Recorded on: 2/29/08
