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Lynda Resnick began her business career at the age of 19, when she founded a full-service advertising agency. Other successful ventures throughout her career include corporate management, marketing, product development,[…]

Roll International Co-Chair Lynda Resnick on the secrets to effective advertising.

Question:rnWhat is the personality of Fiji Water?rnrn



LyndarnResnick:            Yeah.  FIJI Water, when we purchased FIJIrnWater about 3 or 4 years ago, they have this square bottle, they had differentrnpackaging, different graphics on the packaging, and there’re unique sellingrnproposition, if you will.  Theirrnslogan was “A taste of paradise.” rnBut when I became involved in that water business, when we made thernpurchase, it was up to me to review the marketing, see what I wanted to keeprnand what I wanted to change.  I didrna lot of research in the water business and I found out that 55% of the waterrnout there is actually from the tap. rnThe Dasanis and Aquafinas of the world are tap water from the municipalrnwater system that are, then, purified and put in a bottle.  And then, you have spring water likernEvian and waters like that, that are almost on the surface.  They come from an underground springrnbut they’re on the surface.


Andrnthen, we have this water that we were selling that came from an undergroundrnaquifer.  The water fell as rainrn200 years ago and went through this volcanic rock and picked up silica and thernelectrolytes and the fluoride and so forth and was protected by this volcanicrnrock.  And the only way to get tornthe water was to put a borehole through and have the water come through herrnmedically sealed pipes.  And so,rnour unique selling proposition, our personality became untouched until yourndrink it.  ‘Cause that water’s beenrnuntouched for all these years.  Andrnthat was really set us apart from the taste of paradise, you could say, aboutrnany water that came from any remote area but untouched until you drink it.  We’re probably the only people in thernworld that can say that. 




Question:rnWhat is the personality of POM Wonderful?




LyndarnResnick:            Well,rnPOM certainly has a personality. rnThat little bottle shaped like me, you may have noticed.  We make that bottle the person so yournrelate to that bottle.  Now, thernthing about POM is that it’s backed with all these peer-reviewed science.  It really is health in a bottle.  It’s not just the juice, it’s full ofrnpolyphenol antioxidants.  It’srngreat for your circulation.  It’srngood for men to ward off prostate cancer. rnIt’s 40% as effective as Viagra. rnIt’s got fabulous attributes. rnAlzheimer’s, pre-natal birth defects, on and on, all of that is on ourrnwebsite and we continue with our scientific research. 


Butrnthere’s only so much you can say in advertising.  But when you see that little bottle with the news around itsrnneck that’s cut and it says, [IB] death, you really empathize with the bottlernand with all of the attributes or forever young where it has a hula-hoop thatrnit’s trying to keep up or whatever. rnAnd the personality of the brand is kind of sassy but charming.  It’s your friend.  




Recordedrnon: March 17, 2009

