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Mr. Rosso has been Chairman of World Economic Forum USA Inc. since April 2006. Mr. Rosso served as Chairman of CNH Global N.V. from November 1999 until his retirement in[…]

New rules in a flat world.

Question: What is the New World Order?

Jean Pierre Rosso: Well, right now the issue we have in the world is that we have large global issues, either economic or our environment issues, environmental issues and we do not have, and we have trade issues and we have a number of global issues if we do not have any global, we don’t have, we don’t have global governance to deal with these issues. So, which is why the forum is playing its role, now sitting well if we don’t have global governance then we have to get the stakeholders to get around the table so they candela, with it, as a group of interested bodies, so that is that is a step that is a right step in the right direction I think it is going to lead to more and more consultation on the global basis on these issues and more and more global governance make and listens to deal with those, now the all this has to be invented but it will be because people are smart and they will figure it out some how so the world will, they will obviously will   be different 50 years from now that same way it is different today to  any where 50 year ago so and we are in period of  amazing change and I do not know   whether it  is more change  are in the past because it is always  been changed, but certainly there is a lot of change right now, driven by globalization and driven by the awareness of the issues that planet earth has with it is ever increasing population and living standards certainly in almost all of the world may be besides areas in Africa where which are still way behind.

Question: Will the World Economic Forum ever rise to challenge governments?

Jean Pierre Rosso: No, no that is the opposite, again what we want is bring business and governments and international organizations together and we are independent we have no agenda so we are not pursuing any particular objectives although than improving the state of the world, some how and we believe that the only way to do this at this point is to by bringing the actors together. To figure out solutions to those issues or at least certainly progress towards solutions to these issues because it is a bit ambitious through to think about in so many of those case about solutions, but certainly  what is conceivable is to think about progress towards those solutions.

Question: Should the Internet function as an alternative form of governance?

Jean Pierre Rosso: Well, we no need. do we believe strongly in this we are infact at the forum creative an internet based interactive platform to go beyond connecting those people at physical meetings, but also in virtual meetings so we  have an non going dialogue around specific issues on the non going basis and we   have developing this plat form as we speak in order to do this and obviously that is, the power of the internet  is  phenomenal and we are  revolutionized as always revolutionized   a number of things but we have revolutionized   the way the forum  works with it is partners and in the much more rapid way and much more interactive way and I think we will accelerate   the identification of the solutions or the progress towards solutions that we can have, so this is an exciting time in that regard,  because thirty years ago we would meet or  twenty years ago and may be even ten years ago we would meet physically in Davos and then wait for the next Davos to meet again and in between suddenly things would happen but now by making a  continuing  between Davos meetings or China meetings or south or all the other meetings we domaking   this sort of continuing  in  the working on this continuing   basis, is going to accelerate   things tremendously and help us to make progress much more rapidly than we had before.

Question: Do you agree with Parag Khanna’s vision of the new world order?

Jean Pierre Rosso: No, not really because I think that suddenly those are powers but you cant  forget certainly  what they have called a bricks. I think you have to realized that Brazil, Warsaw, and India and all major powers on their own and growing and  for different reasons for each of them, but  have a huge role to play on the world scene and I think this notion of a, I think it is multi  border it is allowing  strike border and I think that the key thing is that we  have to  address the others and bring them in to that momentum of progress and  I am  particularly saying here about Africa’s I say that because, and to some extent Latin  America but particularly Africa were the difference between the so called developed world and the so called world development, can be said to be this difference can be increasing and the gap could be increasing and that is not helalthy at all, so we have to find a way to reduce  that gap and break African countries more rapidly in to a  stage where our state were ,  they can control themselves   and control their  destiny better and be a, contribute but also benefit from the rest of the world and that is to me that is really a  critical issue.

Date Recorded: 03/19/2008
