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Marion Nestle is a consumer activist, nutritionist, and academic who specializes in the politics of food and dietary choice. Nestle received her BA, PhD, and MPH from the University of[…]

Organic agriculture is just as productive as the conventional alternative, Nestle says.

Marion Nestle: You know when it comes to sustainable and organic agriculture, I think we could do a lot better than we’re doing.  Remember we’ve already . . .  I’ve already said that we have 3,900 calories a day available in our food supply, which is twice the average need.  So we have lots of room for producing less food if that were an issue.  In fact most of the research on organics show that it’s almost as productive as conventionally grown vegetable crops, for example.  Would that be enough to feed the entire country?  I’m not sure.  It may be that we would have a mix of organic and sustainable and more conventional . . . less sustainable.  But the less sustainable could be done in a way that is much more sustainable.  And I think the pressures on the food industry to try to do that are very important, having a big effect, and should be continued.
