Big Think Launches ‘The Next 100 Days’ — An Obama Retrospective

One hundred down and 1160 to go. Though the problems just seem to stack up, the Obama administration must feel at least some sense of accomplishment during this benchmark of a week.
A host of promises have been addressed. There’s been action on Guantanamo, moves to facilitate stem cell research, a transnational effort to stem the Taliban, a speech in a Muslim capital, regulating executive bonuses, and orchestrating a multi-billion dollar bailout. Today, there’s a swine flu pandemic to confront.
Big Think has been watching and listening to the evolution of the Obama narrative since 2007. This week, with an eye toward foreign policy and how the administration is playing the global power game, we’ll mine the archives for candid comments from Newark mayor and Obama confidant Cory Booker, political watchdog Arianna Huffington, a more rested Larry Summers, and Ezekiel Emmanuel (Rahm’s brother). We might even roll some Amber Lee Ettinger, aka “Obama Girl.”
Further reading:
Gallup polls the public on how Obama is doing.
Time peeks behind the scenes at the White House.
The Nation opines .
The Washington Post opines.
Brookings takes the long view.