A study finds that while musical newbies exercise the brain’s so-called creative hemisphere, pros have moved on.
Johns Hopkins University professor Susan Carnell explains the neuroscience behind eating out of boredom (and how to stop).
An overabundance of this particular protein make mice anxious and is found in human OCD patients.
How can we promote the creation of new neurons – and why is it so important?
How you think about your work alters your relationship to it.
3 min
Music, journaling, and spending time with your pets are all science-backed ways to boost mental health during stressful times.
Scientifically, it’s referred to as ‘cancer-related cognitive impairment’ or ‘chemotherapy-related cognitive dysfunction’.
Researchers at UCSF have trained an algorithm to parse meaning from neural activity.
Nostalgia is also proven to decrease loneliness and increase resiliency.
Researchers observed “inter-brain coherence” (IBC) — a synchronisation in brain activity — between a musician and the audience.
This video game designer’s creations have been said to work “neurological magic.”
An inside look at common relationship problems that link to how we were raised.
It’s never too late to start strengthening your brain.
Play and experimentation are the keys to creativity and innovation.
5 min
Our remarkable olfactory senses are modeled in a new research chip.
It’s not just an old superstition — it’s your stressed-out brain.
Research from Denmark finds that mindfulness and music help sustain attention.
Unique research out of Switzerland says be kind, just not too kind.
Two types of thinking have a time-sharing deal going on in your brain.
The more we learn about genetics and the brain, the more impossibly complicated both reveal themselves to be.
Study finds that a colony’s exposure to pesticides impairs offspring.
Studies have shown that dominant sexual activity can often boost your work ethic several days after a sexual experience.
There are scientifically proven ways you can improve your self-esteem, right now.
Is obsessive shopping a compulsion, an addiction, or both?
A study reveals these brains exhibit less cortical surface area and gray matter.
Will Storr has written a masterful guide to writing with “The Science of Storytelling.”
Research dating back to the 1950s explains why the foot fetish makes total sense.
The bonding experience is promoted by important neurological changes.
A new study finds it may take decades or even a whole lifetime to appear.
It doesn’t matter what you’re reading, as long as you’re reading.