Some philosophers have tried to base morality on human nature, but what does biology say about that?
Evolution exists and exerts itself in a different way than gravity does… because natural selection is an “algorithmic force.”
We are what we are because of genes; we are who we are because of memes. Philosopher Daniel Dennett muses on an idea put forward by Richard Dawkins in 1976.
7 min
The causes of hit products are themselves uncausable. ‘Hit Makers’ by Derek Thompson explains why we know how to make songs, but not hits.
The human mind is like a Turing machine, says Daniel Dennett. It’s made up of unthinking cogs – but when combined in the right order, their motion gives rise to consciousness.
7 min
Science’s signature moves share something with good poetry. Good metaphor-making can make geniuses of both kinds. But bad metaphors can mislead whole fields.