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Surprising Science

Should Obese Kids be Put in Foster Care?

“It’s a provocative question, but that’s exactly what a group of health care specialists on the other side of the pond are recommending.” The British Medical Journals draws parallels to neglect.

“It’s a provocative question, but that’s exactly what a group of health care specialists on the other side of the pond are recommending.” The British Medical Journals draws parallels to neglect. “‘Childhood obesity can be seen as a failure to adequately care for your children by failing to provide a healthy diet and sufficient activity, whether through direct neglect or more subtly through an inability to deny children the pleasures of energy dense fast food and television viewing,’ wrote the study’s lead author Russell Vine…According to the Los Angeles Times, there are already reports of children being removed from homes in America for health risks and the British report sites 20 cases in the United Kingdom.”


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