Reflecting Lightly On Corruption! By Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy)

On Corruption – One Of The Ultimate Risks That Requires Pervasive Management. By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy)
Corruption is within our genes. In the mean time it represents ONE of the most challenging EXISTENTIAL RISKS. IN FACT, of all global crises, the gravest one is the GLOBAL CRISIS OF CORRUPTION. Corruption, besides being a ruthless existential risk, is mostly ignorance and partly – in some cases – a major health illness and/or a result of a ill-projection of an evil “role model.” An insurance company can pay you off (up to some amount and depending on many circumstances) for an employee that unlawfully appropriates organizational assets (any tangibles as well as any intangibles). Nonetheless, the insurance company only acts – and if one’s covered – post facto (i.e., a posteriori).
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On Corruption – One Of The Ultimate Risks That Requires Pervasive Management. By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy)
Corruption is within our genes. In the mean time it represents ONE of the most challenging EXISTENTIAL RISKS. IN FACT, of all global crises, the gravest one is the GLOBAL CRISIS OF CORRUPTION. Corruption, besides being a ruthless existential risk, is mostly ignorance and partly – in some cases – a major health illness and/or a result of a ill-projection of an evil “role model.” An insurance company can pay you off (up to some amount and depending on many circumstances) for an employee that unlawfully appropriates organizational assets (any tangibles as well as any intangibles). Nonetheless, the insurance company only acts – and if one’s covered – post facto (i.e., a posteriori).
Having studied and managed all kinds of risks – including maritime and automobile fleets, kidnap and ransom, errors and omissions and those related to health-care, litigation (avoidance), reputation, geo/political, live stocks, fine arts, “directors and officers,” so-called “property” and “special risks,” complex manufacturing and avionics, as well as those pertaining to complex and capital intensive industry – I can easily assert the following. We in the West (North America and Western Europe as well as in Japan) have individuals and organizations that only manage scientifically. They are not too known and or popular. We practiced the most advanced (non insurance) risk management ever imagined. LIKE WHAT? To a great extent like that of DARPA, NASA, and other eminent scientists over and beyond DOD. My method is called “Transformative And Integrative Risk Management,” (TAIRM) and a bit more described at
I speak in first person because it is my method and I like to assume my comments. Everything, via TAIRM, deals – through applied omniscience as I have defined it at – with clever actions way beyond any asset becoming compromised and flowing into disruption. To cite a quick example, TAIRM is heavily into Forensics Risk Management, the thoroughly studied taxonomy of a “happened” disruption potential that ultimately gained sufficient critical mass.
TAIRM aims – depending on the customer’s budget – at (a) Eliminating, (b) Decreasing, (c) Modulating, (d) Controlling RISKS IN ADVANCE to “exploit” their inherent and lucrative UPSIDES. WHY? When you do (ongoing-ly) your risks, YOU CAN CAPTURE YOUR FISCALLY SOUND EARNINGS. It is not about managing risks for the sake of risk is for the sake of sustainable and profitable growth, regardless of extreme business climates. THAT WHY EVERY BUSINESS PLAN IS ILL-CONCEIVED IF AND WHEN THE TOTALLY OF SAID BUSINESS PLAN IS NOT A SUB-CHAPTER OF A GRANDER PROGRAM AND STRATEGY OF ADVANCED RISK MANAGEMENT.
Many people become corrupted because they have the genes (genotype) for it. Others have a minor “output-ted” pre-genotype (phenotype) – that in getting related with the amplest environment – sometimes the phenotype and genotype become mutually reinforcing and synergistic both for evil and ill. When more than one person becomes a “cluster” with others with a tendency of having these problems, “energy” gains sufficient critical mass to implement outrageous malfeasance. IS THIS SOLVABLE AT ALL?
Yes, if you do the right things and you establish a relationship with an expert in the subject, an expert that is not a “snake oil” seller, but a consummated professional. He will co-manage – prior to you authorization – many unthinkable facets to cripple the violations against company’s policy, morality, integrity, and ethics. Unfortunately, nearly the totality of psychometric tests won’t render you the most covert and destructive case in due (opportune) time. TAIRM engages into a huge depth of understanding the personal cosmology of your firm’s personnel. All of this for a fraction of insurance premium program. The insurance company – as if we were speaking of mechanics – has “bearings” that only rotate within and through financial systems. TAIRM is highly sophisticated management brought to the field of action with the applied omniscience perspective among many other provisions. In fact, if insurance and reinsurance companies used TAIRM, they would be obliged to reduce immensely any premium rate. There is a great deal of cholesterol, greed, and red tape in most of said companies. THIS IS THE REAL DEAL!
If we see the appalling problem by Mr. Madoff, we will clearly realize that the magnitudes of his multi-level “operation” was of epic proportion. But if we see this as an EXPRESS AND UTTER CONSPIRACY BROUGH TO ACTION, we will realize that this one will pale compared with other “operations” instituted either by “practitioners” from the private and public sectors, as well as by NGOs and, perhaps, supranationals. If one takes the time and counsel, I insist he can get the corruption out or at least to a quite manageable degree.
Corruption is a terrible form of ignorance. All risks stem from ignorance. The pharmaceutical remedy is applied omniscience to state succinctly. Many of these evil genes will be soon addressed by genomics’ gene therapy, namely with the modification and/or replacement of flawed genes. Clearly, there are not resources to cure those who suffer this illness within the almost and worldwide population of 800-billion “all walks of life” Main Streeters.
Incidentally, I am not a moralist not an ethicist. In any case, all humans are flawed. But not all humans are corrupted. My father died of a terrible disease because in practicing law he could not never ever stand corruption not committed by criminals but by judges themselves. Something extremely close happens to me, though I don’t get that upset. I have too many years working the positives and the negatives of the personal cosmology of the “human factor.” The human factor – regardless of the huge progression of science and technology – is making a swift walk backwards, ascertaining the greatest success of failure.
In less than 45 days, over 400 lives were lost because the “flying submarines” could not navigate “with an even keel” the sea waters. 400 lives are dead because of systemic and systematic and ever-increasingly universal corruption. The latter equates that, because of lack of Risk Management Implementation, those innocents lives were lost.
I do write, tweet, and author works reminding people that when a 4-year old child gets his candy stolen by an adult instituting a Bismarck’s stratagem, the worldwide human race is going back to the cavemen times. I am concerned about it. I insist that this is the gravest global crisis of Earth. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO INSURE THAT PEOPLE DEALING WITH THE FINANCIAL, ECOLOGICAL, ENERGY CRISES DO THE RIGHT THING IF THEIR HONESTY HAS BEEN TAKEN FOR GRANTED? I am seeing too much mediocrity. Many people have gone to the greatest universities and from their best up-bringings but they are determined to do things in evil and in error. Bertrand Russell stated: “I know more people who prefer to die than to think.” Corruption is too the ultimate crown jewel of Mediocrity Dom.
TAIRM can be instituted under a sensible budget, because it aims — in addition — to reduce greatly the costs of your program of insurance and reinsurance, strategic planning, and corporate security, among many others. TAIRM is much, much more than technology, and failing “best practices.” Stated simply, it has to do with methods, techniques, and mindsets brought – by the yoctosecond – into greater and greater sophistication.
Corruption might be as old as the existence of the “Animal Kingdom.” To tackle it globally and pervasively is nearly impossible, but not impossible enough. Again, zero global crises cannot ever be really addressed if the ubiquitous corruption is not managed FIRST AND FOREMOST, regardless of how difficult. A truly advanced risk management may help one avoid one critical death-to-life situation. For instance, some three months ago I went to a 5-million people cosmospolis mall to buy some books and ended up detecting and fully preventing (WAY IN ADVANCED) a bank robbery (by nine individuals) and a potential kidnap and ransom situation without anyone resulting hurt. How I did it? I might give you the details after. But I challenged – as I usual do through my methodology – silly “left brain” assumptions.
This empirical and theoretical research of mine concerning risks has many avenues that amplify more and more over the years. Featured findings – by my own undertakings – shows that Moses was the first Risk Manager. While in The Code of Hammurabi there were contractual provisions to then “Systems Hazards Management,” a sub-chapter of Risk Management propelled by the “Systems Methodology” as it is understood by applied physicists and mathematicians. Then Aristotle and Plato enhanced and streamlined both previous efforts until the efforts undertaken by the Industrial-Military Complex (including NASA) in times of the Cold War. Isn’t a beauty?