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Surprising Science

Male Infidelity a Mere Stereotype?

Men are ‘hardwired’ to cheat, ignore their wives, suspect infidelity, overspend, fail, love money, pursue women and achieve supremacy in the workplace. Or is that bad science?

What’s changed in recent years is that the idea of innate biological differences — for instance in cognitive abilities or communication skills — has gained academic credibility and powerful champions in widely admired researchers… In their wake has followed this boom in scientific studies claiming to find hardwiring for sex differences… Nonsense, retort a number of prominent women academics who have been trying to fight back in the US and the UK. A new book, Brainstorm, by Rebecca Jordan-Young exhaustively analyses every relevant study on hormonal sex differentiation of the human brain, and argues that they are riddled with weaknesses, inconsistencies and ambiguity. It’s a clarion call for better science on the subject.


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