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Politics & Current Affairs

Toward a Presidential Theater

As the midterm’s drubbing ends, Barack Obama needs to embrace the theatrics of the presidency, however cheesy that may seem to him, says Tina Brown.

“As from Wednesday,” says Tina Brown, “I’d like the president to stop being so high-minded about avoiding corny symbolic theatrics and start playing to win. The absurd myth, for instance, that he’s really a Muslim would be easier to knock out if he strode from the White House every Sunday with a big old Gutenberg Bible and marched his family—with the first daughters in adorable Sunday best—to the nearest Episcopalian church. Back in his Chicago Senate days, when he was seeking greater black credibility, Obama was happy enough to attend the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ. What’s wrong with a bit of God-fearing symbolism of a different kind now?”


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