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Politics & Current Affairs

Homeless Veterans

A staggering third of all homeless men in America are veterans of the army – so where is the post commission support?

With a staggering 130,000 former armed servicemen homeless in America today and twice that number expected to experience homelessness at some point this year, where is the support for these veterans? A CBS News report found that over 6,000 former military servicemen commit suicide each year and among active duty soldiers 580 have killed themselves since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began. “The Veterans Affairs Department received over 22,000 calls from desperate veterans in its first year of opening a suicide hotline. Over 10,000 active American troops are diagnosed with the most severe classification of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, with one in eight returning troops reporting symptoms. There are increasing reports that returning veterans are not receiving proper care for PTSD and other ailments, as the suicide numbers of CBS suggest,” reports


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