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Think Again Podcasts

A trans family in the holy land

Amit Tzuk and Ofir Trainin, the subject and director of an FAMILY IN TRANSITION, an Israeli documentary about a small town father of four who becomes a woman.
Key Takeaways
  • Sometimes just being yourself is a radical act.
  • “We have to do public relations so that people will understand that we’re…people.”

Everybody is always in a state of transition. All the time, your cells are dying and replacing themselves. Your mind, your emotions, your goals, your sense of self—all of these are shifting from year to year as you age. In families where there are children, the changes are even more visible and dramatic. Bodies change, voices change, identity is always in flux. But we also have an instinct to mask these changes. To find ways of minimizing them to fit in.

My guests today have a story to tell about what happens when the changes are undeniable. When they’re at odds with the values of many people in your family and community. It’s about the pain and the necessity of breaking the masks you’ve made for yourself. FAMILY IN TRANSITION is a documentary film about Amit Tzuk, an Israeli father of four who transitions to become a woman, and the changes Amit’s wife Galit and their children go through. I’m here today with Amit and with the film’s director, Ofir Trainin.

Surprise conversation starter clips in this episode:

Jonathan Haidt on untruths to stop telling our children

Elad Gil on technophobia


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