STUDENT FOR SALE (feat. Brian Greene) – Think Again Podcast, ep. 6

BIG NEWS: Think Again has been in the top 20 podcasts in iTunes for the past week! Thank you a million times for listening! (and for listening a million times, if you did that).
Brian Greene: I could be wrong, but I think you go around once. I think you die, you die and unfortunately I think that’s how it is. And when you’re on your deathbed and you look back, to me the question is are you going to look back and be really thrilled that you made millions of dollars and had all sorts of toys?
Can anyone afford college anymore? Would it help if we sold stock in students? Would Young Einstein have been a popular commodity?
Think Againpodcast, host Jason Gots and sometime co-host Eric Sanders are joined by Brian Greene, theoretical physicist, director of the World Science Festival, and author of The Elegant Universe. An interview clip from economist Daniel Altman launches a discussion of why we bother to learn anything in the first place.
Listen to THINK AGAIN, EPISODE 6 – STUDENT FOR SALE (feat. Brian Greene)
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[with extra special thanks to SERIAL podcast for these excellent instructions]
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Have fun!
About Think Again – A Big Think Podcast: If you’ve got 10 minutes with Einstein, what do you talk about? Black holes? Time travel? Why not gambling? The Art of War? Contemporary parenting? Some of the best conversations happen when we’re pushed outside of our comfort zones. Each week on Think Again, we surprise smart people you’ve probably heard of with handpicked gems from Big Think’s interview archives on every imaginable subject. These conversations could, and do, go just about anywhere.