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Lawrence Marsh

Lawrence C.Marsh is Professor Emeritus (retired) from the Department of Economics and Econometrics at the University of Notre Dame where he taught economics (mainly econometrics) for 30 years starting in 1975.

For 13 of those years he was Director of the Ph.D. Program in Economics where he oversaw the work of several hundred doctoral students in economics and served on 80 Ph.D. dissertation committees. In 1991 he won the James A. Burns award for excellence in graduate teaching and was an O'Malley Award Nominee for undergraduate teaching in 1996. In 2003 he was selected as a Faculty Teaching Fellow for excellence in teaching.

He has given over 3,000 lectures in graduate and undergraduate statistics and econometrics. He has a wide variety of professional publications (see for details). He has served on a number of journal editorial boards and as a guest editor for the Journal of Econometrics. He has also published numerous monographs, book chapters, and books of which the latest is Spline Regression Models. In 1991 he co-founded the Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG) along with Pravin K. Trivedi and Peter J. Schmidt and served as its director/coordinator for 15 years.  MEG consists of almost 600 econometricians from all around the world and holds an annual meeting somewhere in the midwest of the United States each fall at a university or federal reserve bank.

After retiring he worked with an internet startup for just over one year as statistical design strategist responsible for user targeting in sending billions of banner ads over the internet. The CEO was 25 (he started the business at 17). Marsh worked from 4:30 am to 5:30 pm (13 hours a day). There was free soda and treats (gummy bears) and free beer after 5:30 pm (inducement to stay longer). Almost everyone else was under 30. He says “They were all wonderful. Everyone worked hard. It was great fun!” After serving in the Adjutant General's Office at Headquarters & Headquarters Company at Cam Ranh Bay for the US Army in Vietnam, he returned home and joined Bendix Aerospace to work as Subcontract Administrator and Contract Personnel Administrator on the Apollo Missions, the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS later known as LandSat), and classified military projects. He is now retired and interested in the economics of globalization. He has joined facebook, myspace, hi5, twitter, linkedin and a host of similar internet networking sites.