Dave Altavilla
Founder & Editor in Chief, HotHardware
With a current 18 year career in the Semiconductor industry, Dave Altavilla started HotHardware.com almost a decade ago on a vision from the inside looking out but with a passion for the wonders of system-level developments and performance that culminate into the next generation products of tomorrow. Cultivated with the sweat-equity of time spent in the engineering backrooms and offices of Chief Architects at Wallstreet bellwethers like Motorola, Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent and Nortel, Dave's insight into the design and manufacturing of leading-edge technologies, brings a laser-sharp understanding of what it takes to deliver a best-of-class product to market. Dave currently handles final editorial responsibilities of HotHardware's content, along with the site's creative vision and business development efforts.In addition to product launch articles at HH for major OEMs, Dave is also a published author in technology-based print publications and is featured as a guest on the PC Chat radio show along with Marco. In his spare time Dave likes to spend time by the ocean with his young family or friends and keep mind-body fit via Korean Tae Kwon Do style martial arts.