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A new study on rats suggests that using marijuana as an adolescent “reprograms the initial behavioral, molecular, and epigenetic response to cocaine.”
Two new studies shed light on the road ahead.
This unsettling simulation shows how mucus-mist can rapidly spread in a grocery store.
The changes in brain structure aren’t the only bodily changes caused by zero gravity.
Thankfully, there are ways to combat mental and physical fatigue, even in isolation.
In his new book, “The Wedge,” Scott Carney tests the boundaries of human resilience.
A recent clinical trial in Brazil highlights the dangers of two potential COVID-19 treatments: chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.
New research suggests anti-vaxxers overestimate all problems associated with mortality.
The smart toilet can analyze urine and stool samples for disease markers and can even recognize an individual user’s “analprint”.
Researchers argue that most coronavirus infections around the world go undetected.
Johann Hari knows that mental health is really a social issue.
Gyms and fitness centers are closed, but your living room is always open.
How can we promote the creation of new neurons – and why is it so important?
Central banks face a Herculean task to keep economies right-side up.
A new study from Singapore found that intermittent fasting increases neurogenesis.
None of us know where this is heading, but we can still learn from the moment.
The health care system isn’t ready for that, either.
Chemical engineers have developed a way to protect transplanted drug-producing cells from immune system rejection.
Research supports wearing surgical face masks to slow the spread of the deadly coronavirus.
How can we track the spread of COVID-19 where testing is not widely available? How can global health be improved by innovation and cooperation? Over the last few years, Kinsa […]
Scientifically, it’s referred to as ‘cancer-related cognitive impairment’ or ‘chemotherapy-related cognitive dysfunction’.
How do we make sense of an inflection point as we’re living it? How do we build more resilience into ourselves and our systems moving forward? In this interactive session, […]
Creators of the popular protein-folding game, Foldit, are seeking help to design a treatment for COVID-19.
The response to the pandemic illustrates five actions we can take to address the global climate change crisis.
Understanding the math behind social distancing.
New research on ankle exoskeletons show promising results.
Americans consume the most toilet paper in the world but it’s a very wasteful product to manufacture, according to the numbers.
Playing and being creative shouldn’t stop when you grow up.
Medical researchers put a ring on it to learn more about the onset of COVID-19.
What symptoms to watch for, how to get tested, what to do if you’re sick, and when to go to the doctor.