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Guest Thinkers

Wednesday Papers

Sorry for the delay in postings, but I have been busy with radio interviews this morning – if I can find a link I’ll post it later.

But the real news, of course, is the suicide bomb this morning in San’a that targeted a South Korean delegation leaving the country. Mareb Press is reporting that the bomber’s name is Salih Ali al-Ashwal, but this seems a bit early to me, we’ll see if that changes over the next day or two. Particularly, since I’m still trying to get a firm id on the first bomber.

Faysal Mukrim of al-Hayat reports on the hunger strike of the 16 individuals, who are currently in front of the court for their ties to al-Qaeda.

Al-Tagheer is reporting that Yemeni security services are searching the Raqas neighborhood in San’a for an individual it believes is linked to the attack.

Update: an error in the original post, which said the delegation was arriving in the country, has been corrected to say the delegation was leaving the country.


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