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Odds-n-Ends from the South

The news is starting to come from various parts of the south about yesterday’s protests, which by most accounts were relatively low-key.

Al-Tagheer has a story about 25 people arrested in Mukalla for burning stores and engaging in some looting. Mareb Press has an earlier take from Mukalla.

Reuters has a bit more about a Yemeni soldier killed, and al-Ayyam has a condensed version of al-Fadhli’s speech in Zanjibar. I have yet to read it, but here is the link.

Time permitting I hope to post a bit more on President Salih’s recent speech admitting wrongs in the south and the similar sentiments expressed by Vice President Hadi and in a literary flourish read these two speeches through the immortal work of Muhammad ‘Abd al-Wali, particularly his short story: ya Akhi ikhtiraj.


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