Not so irrelevant 011
My latest roundup of links and tools…
The critics need a reboot
David Wolman’s article in Wired Magazine is a quick and effective rebuttal of those who claim that technology is making us stupid.
Social networking for babies
Yep, that’s right. Social networking for babies: Made a mess in my pants today. Slept. Made a mess in my pants today. Slept…
The $70 PC
Using a thin client model for school computers seems like an idea that has promise. And of course a $70 price tag per computer sounds great. Does anyone know a school organization that’s working with NComputing?
Should kids learn about 9/11 via cartoons?
Gary Stager’s got a vein pop about BrainPop…
Handheld learning
Thanks to Dean Shareski, I now know about the Handheld Learning web site. Thanks, Dean!
Youth, porn, and violence
Want the latest facts on youth exposure to pornography and violent web sites? Head to Harvard’s Berkman Center!
Speaking of the Berkman Center…
There is a LOT going on at the Center. Check out its list of projects (the list is clickable thanks to Kwout) and sign up for its news feed!
Karl Fisch is big in Germany
If you didn’t catch it, Karl recently posted about a German
magazine’s story about his school
and the Did You Know? video. Anybody read
Snow in the bathroom
And, finally, here’s a good rule of thumb: don’t read
Doug Johnson
while you’re supposedly participating in a serious meeting. Thy
guffaw mayest disrupt…