Mystery Volcano Photo #34

I am somewhat dragging this week – I think it is the exhaustion that leads into spring break – so today’s we’ll have a Mystery Volcano Photo. Our last installment, MVP #33, was Cold Boiling Lake (top left) near Lassen Peak in California. The standings have been updated to reflect the winner of that mystery, Jan Nygard.
Current Standings
Remember, if you need an instant fix of volcano news, check out some of the posts on my First Year Seminar’s blog about volcanoes. Some of the post have info on current eruptions, some just have facts about the volcanoes of regions around the world. Stop by and say “hi”.
Now, onto MVP #34, submitted by an Eruptions reader – as with the last few, we’re looking specifics. Identify the feature marked with an arrow and the greatest volcanic system it belongs. Good luck!
MVP #34. Click here to see a larger version of the image.