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Guest Thinkers

Leadership Day – Summary

[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog]

On June 28, I invited

bloggers and readers to participate in Leadership Day

on July 4.

Specifically, I asked participants of the blogosphere to write about effective

school technology leadership: successes, challenges, reflections, needs, etc. A

variety of folks participated in the conversation:

  • Jeanette
  • Johnson

    listed her Top Ten (Not So Good) Reasons Why Educational Leaders

    Don’t Embrace Digital Technologies


  • Sylvia
  • Martinez

    affirmed the importance of student leaders, saying that while we

    wonder where the future technology leaders ‘will come from, there they sit

    in front of us everyday, being ignored.

  • Chris Eldred has never
  • worked under an administrator that made technology a priority of any kind. In

    fact, his current principal admits that e-mail isn’t a priority so no one

    e-mails her.

  • Along the same lines, Max
  • at backbythebell

    wondered what it will take before administrators

    see enough benefit in IT tools to actually promote their usage in schools.

  • At Books
  • and Bytes

    , RSS was identified as a perfect tool for job-embeddded training

    for administrators. An attempt also was made to aggregate

    all of the posts

    with the schooltechleadership



  • Susan
  • Brooks-Young

    listed some technology tools that she regularly recommends to


  • Jennifer
  • Lubke

    thinks that principals should let teachers count online participation

    in academic learning networks as required inservice hours.

  • Gerald
  • Ardito

    affirmed the importance of leadership when

    it comes to technology and was appreciative

    of being in an encouraging and supportive environment


  • Christopher
  • Shively

    sadly noted that his university’s school administator certification

    program has had very little coverage of technology issues.

  • Tracy
  • Rosen

    recognized that she ‘can not expect the teachers … to try something

    new if [she is] not willing to learn as well.

  • Steve
  • Poling

    thinks administrators should be actively reading blogs by other

    administrators, teachers, and even students.

  • Similarly, VWB
  • at A Library By Any Other Name

    highlighted a few blog posts that

    every administrator should read.

  • Jason
  • Bednar

    believes that there is a lot of power in using wikis.

  • Carolyn
  • Foote

    listed a number of different activities that can be used to facilitate

    technology conversations with administrators.

  • Kyle
  • Brumbaugh

    noted that he wants to be a leader that works to five education

    independence from the industrial age.

  • The
  • Coordinator’s Office

    described a successful technology training

    initiative that included administrators.

  • Glenn Moses said that
  • independence and school leadership ‘don’t seem to hang out too


  • Brandon
  • Waggoner

    does not believe that administrators need to be tech-savvy

    themselves to be effective technology leaders.

  • Doug
  • Johnson

    helpfully listed some past articles and other resources on K-12

    technology leadership.

  • Dana Huff said that
  • many administrators don’t see the need for certain uses of technoogy …

    because they felt they got on all right, thank you very much, without them, so

    why should others need them?

  • Ruth Okoye said
  • that principals who are falling behind in technology should staff to their

    weakness and lead by example. She also listed some helpful things that even

    non-tech-savvy principals can do.

  • Finally, my
  • own post at the TechLearning blog

    emphasized the importance of appropriately

    designing professional development for administrators. (see also Patrick

    Higgins’ take on my list


    Thanks to everyone who contributed to Leadership


    , including the numerous people who commented on the

    invitation post

    , the TechLearning


    , or Dangerously


    . Maybe we’ll do it again next year!


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