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Land Your Job, Launch Your Business, Lead Your World: STANDOUT

Today, Big Think launches StandOut, a video-driven career curriculum for university-educated job-seekers. StandOut video segments feature actionable career insights from today’s most influential leaders and experts, as they share their knowledge on topics ranging from résumés to risk-taking. 

Today, Big Think launches StandOut, a video-driven career curriculum for university-educated job-seekers. StandOut video segments feature actionable career insights from today’s most influential leaders and experts, as they share their knowledge on topics ranging from résumés to risk-taking. 

The Corporate Connections Centre at the top-ranked Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto will unveil StandOut to its students today. Via a private portal, students will be challenged to identify their own “extraordinary goal” as they watch psychologist and former NBA player John Amaechi relate his own unexpected journey from overweight “nerd” to NBA star.

Students will also hear from other Big Thinkers, such as Paypal co-founder and Facebook investor Peter Thiel on thinking outside the career track, Morgan Stanley CFO Ruth Porat on getting ahead in finance, and author Malcolm Gladwell on gaming the job interview  just to name a few. 

Other top business schools will be rolling out the curriculum to students in the next few months.

In a world of lightning-fast change, Big Think believes students deserve to hear career knowledge from the very leaders who are making change happen. Because if you can’t envision the future, you can’t envision your future.

For more information, please contact Andrea Useem, Director of Educational Licensing, at or via Twitter.


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