GVP Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for November 11-16, 2010: Etna, Chaiten, Kizimen and more

Now, there is a lot of articles on the new Nature paper on the Eyjafjallajökull and the signs leading up to it – but considering I’m not privy to such Nature articles before they are published (unlike a lot of other media sources), I have yet to read and digest the paper. So, I am going to hold off posting about the article until tomorrow. This week has just been such a mess of activity that I really can’t focus too much right now anyhow (just like all the students here who head off the Thanksgiving Break on Friday).
So, today I’ll just post to the latest Smithsonian/USGS GVP Weekly Volcanic Activity Report – lots of news in it, including a summary of all the Merapi actvity, whose deathtoll is now up to 275 people, and at Bulusan in the Philippines.
Some other highlights from the report include:
Top left: A recent image of the steam plume from Chaiten in Chile (from El Llanquihue).