Gawker: We Slut-Shamed Christine O’Donnell for for Truth, Justice (and Pageviews)

Give it a rest, Gawker. Don’t tell me you slut shamed Delaware Republican senate candidate Christine O’Donnell for any higher purpose:
What’s missing from most of the criticism is this essential bit of context: Christine O’Donnell is seeking federal office based in part on her self-generated, and carefully tended, image as a sexually chaste woman. She lies about who she is; she tells that lie in service of an attempt to impose her private sexual values on her fellow citizens; and she’s running for Senate. We thought information documenting that lie—that O’Donnell does not live a chaste life as she defines the word, and in fact hops into bed, naked and drunk, with men that she’s just met—was of interest to our readers. [Gawker]
If you really wanted to expose hypocrisy, you would have insisted the author use his real name and sought corroboration for the details of his story.
Instead, you gave some anonymous, misogynist douchebag a platform from which to take potshots. That’s not okay, even if he’s alleging that O’Donnell is a hypocrite.
I liked you better when you were gleefully amoral.
[Photo credit: Seryo, Creative Commons.]