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Fast Facts on Social Media & User Age: Who’s On Facebook and Twitter?

PC World cried out two years ago – Are Baby Boomers Killing Facebook and Twitter? Younger users were described as losing their digitalplayground to commercialization and (evenworse) to their parents. So, where are we now? Has new media lost its youth?

Associate Editor of Atlantic Magazine, Nicholas Jackson providesa look at the numbers. In his article Facebook vs. Twitter: Comparing Social Demographics Jackson notes the differences between the two social media giants.Jackson draws upon a rich dataset presented as an infographic based upon a Barracuda Networks survey with analysis by Razorfish, Digital Surgeons. Among the data are age andeducation. ‘Facebookers’ (no real surprise here) tend to be younger than‘Tweeters’. Yet, we do know that the number of older consumers, particularlyboomer women, going onto Facebook has been growing quickly. 

Below is a summary of the age demographics on the two leading social media platforms.


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