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Christian Nation

The Christian Science Monitor is as surprised as anyone at the emergence of many New Calvinists trying to bring Puritanism back to America.

The Christian Science Monitor is as surprised as anyone at the emergence of many New Calvinists trying to bring Puritanism back to America. “Welcome to the austere – and increasingly embraced – message of Calvinism. Five centuries ago, John Calvin’s teachings reconceived Christianity; midwifed Western ideas about capitalism, democracy, and religious liberty; and nursed the Puritan values that later cast the character of America. Today, his theology is making a surprising comeback, challenging the me-centered prosperity gospel of much of modern evangelicalism with a God-first immersion in Scripture. In an age of materialism and made-to-order religion, Calvinism’s unmalleable doctrines and view of God as an all-powerful potentate who decides everything is winning over many Christians – especially the young.”


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