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China Is Dispensable

“China may not matter quite as much as you think.” The Economist says that while China is becoming the world’s biggest market, it cannot replace the world market.

“Since the crisis, China has shown that its economy can grow even when America’s shrinks. It is not entirely dependent on the world’s biggest economy. But that does not mean it can substitute for it. In April the Bank Credit Analyst, an independent research firm, asked what would happen if China suffered a ‘hard landing’. Its answer to this ‘apocalyptic’ question was quite ‘benign’. As it pointed out, Japan at the start of the 1990s accounted for a bigger share of GDP than China does today. Its growth slowed from about 5% to 1% in the first half of the 1990s without any discernible effect on global trends. It is hard to exaggerate China’s weight in the world economy. But not impossible.”


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