Announcing the 2011 Iowa 1:1 Institute!

Mark your calendars! The second annual Iowa 1:1 Institute (I11I) will be at the Polk County Convention Complex in Des Moines on April 20, 2011, from 9am to 5pm.
About the institute
The purposes of the institute are to:
The institute is open to ANYONE interested in 1:1 laptop computing initiatives in P-12 schools, whether they currently are working in such a program or just want to learn more.
Since the primary purpose of the institute is for Iowa’s 1:1 school districts to learn from each other, registration and presentation slots are initially reserved for educators in those school organizations. We’ll open up any remaining registration slots on February 24. We’ll open up any remaining presentation slots on March 17.
Want to be a vendor?
We’ve got 20 precious tables for vendors. Learn more here if you’re interested in being an institute sponsor.
Can’t attend?
Follow along on April 20 with the #i11i hashtag and/or see presenters’ materials at the 1:1 Laptop Schools Ning.
If you have questions, please leave them below or e-mail Nick Sauers, CASTLE’s go-to guy for all things 1:1!